Visual Studio Code Cheat Sheets

Visual Studio Code is becoming my favourite editing tools. Here are commonly used functions in Visual Studio Code that I had to search around for on the internet to figure out and wanted to consolidate it into one space.

Action MacOS Windows / Linux
Block Select Shift+Opt+mse Shift+Alt+mse
Select multiple/same text Cmd+D Ctrl+D
Select all instances of the same text Cmd+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L
Skip a selection from multi select Cmd+K Cmd+D
Fold All Cmd+K Cmd+0

Clearing Cache for VS Code

To clear the cache, you'll want to delete the Cache, CachedData, and CachedExtensionVSIXs folders in the Configuration directories. The configuration directories can be found at:

  • Windows %APPDATA%\Code\Backups
  • macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/Backups
  • Linux $HOME/.config/Code/Backups